While much is known about coral as an individual organism, less is known about coral reef ecosystems. Each week, for the duration of the CORAL investigation, we will feature a fact about coral reef and reef ecosystem science to help educate and dispel misconceptions. Bookmark this page and check back regularly to learn more!
Fact for the week of June 6, 2016: Bleaching is a common stress response in corals, and it has been observed with occurrences of cold temperatures, low salinities, and most famously high temperatures, among other stressors. Bleaching does not always kill the coral. If the stress conditions are short-lived (the duration appears to be species-dependent), a bleached coral can be recolonized by zooxanthellae once conditions become more favorable.
Fact for the week of May 29, 2016: While most coral reefs are found in shallow tropical and sub-tropical waters, deep-water corals (both stony and soft) are found at depths up to 20,000ft (6,000m). Unlike shallow water corals, these deep-water (or cold-water) corals do not need sunlight to survive.
Each month the CORAL facts will be compiled into a blog post for easier reference as the project goes on. You can also check the CORAL Facebook Page for up-to-date media coverage and photos from the field.
Coral Facts May 1-22
By Ali Hochberg Fact for the week of May 1, 2016: Despite their importance for human economies and societies, as well as marine ecosystems, coral reefs only cover less than 1% of the ocean floor. Fact for the week of May 8, 2016: Charles Darwin is credited with...